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Case study: IT leasing revolutionized

Miller Leasing was facing a major challenge: the old ERP system had been technically outdated for some time. Read our case study to find out how Miller Leasing solved this problem.

In 2007, Miller Leasing, the specialist for IT financing, had been working for over 10 years with an ERP system whose technical status had been de facto frozen for some time. The black and white DOS interface could only be operated using the keyboard, and there was no mention of clear graphics at the time. Further developments were always associated with high costs.

After a market analysis, Miller Leasing knew that Microsoft Dynamics NAV from NAVAX was a future-proof standard ERP software. All core leasing processes are digitized and automated in the software. The processes involved in preparing offers and contracts, checking creditworthiness and refinancing are outlined in Visio and can be mapped directly in HENRI. This gives employees more flexibility and autonomy. In addition, they can work much faster and more efficiently with HENRI. Miller Leasing now has first-class data quality and more transparency with the NAVAX software platform for financial service providers.


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